In this test you will be using facts and figures present in various statistical tables to answer questions designed to assess your ability to evaluate numerical data.

In each question you are given either five or ten options to choose from. One, and only one, of the options is correct in each case.

Please refer to the statistics tables below in order to correctly answer each question.

1. Which professional association had the highest number of new admissions in 1984?

A. Engineering
B. Accountancy & Law
C. Science & Technology
D. Others (Commericial)
E. Others (Technical)

2. If output for the Neptune field increased by 50% in 1986, by how many thousands of barrels would its average daily output be more or less in 1986 compared with output in 1984?

A. 40 less
B. 20 less
C. the same
D. 20 more
E. 40 more
AB. 70 more
AC. 110 more
AD. 160 more
AE. 220 more
BC. Cannot say

3. If the output figure for the Galileo field represents crude oil only, which was 30% of the total output with the remainder being water, how many thousands of barrels of water were produced per day along with the oil?

A. 270
B. 340
C. 680
D. 910
E. 1190
AB. 1380
AC. 1700
AD. 2300
AE. 2860
BC. Cannot Say

4. What was the approximate pre-tax profit of Barlow Chemicals as a percentage of turnover in 1990?

A. 1%
B. 5%
C. 8%
D. 11%
E. 15%
AB. 19%
AC. 23%
AD. 28%
AE. 32%
BC. Cannot Say

5. If Brown’s car uses 25% less fuel than Jennings’, in which week was their combined petrol consumption the lowest?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. Cannot say


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